OmnipeekOmnipeek User GuideDownload PDF
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Download Engine Packet File…
Opens the Distributed Forensic Search Wizard Time Range & Filter dialog where you choose the time range and filter for the search.
Split Packet File…
Opens the Split Packet File dialog where you can split a large packet file into smaller packet files.
Merge Packet Files…
Opens the Merge Packet Files dialog where you can merge smaller packet files into a large packet file.
Decrypt WLAN Packets…
Opens the Decrypt WLAN Packets dialog, where you can choose a key set to apply to encrypted packets in the current capture window.
Decrypt SSL Packets…
Opens the SSL Server Keys dialog, where you can choose a key set to apply to SSL encrypted packets in the current capture window.
Opens the Options dialog, where you can specify default program behavior. From the Workspace view of this dialog you can also globally restore program defaults.
Opens the Customize Tools Menu dialog from which you can add items to the Tools menu, allowing you to launch other programs from within Omnipeek.